Choosing a Good Name for Your Projects

Category: AdventureJam

I have always found it challenging to decide on a name for my projects. Often, I fail to choose any name, which can be a significant barrier to releasing a project. You might think it’s a trivial concern since the project itself is what truly matters. However, the name you choose is how people will refer to your work. Essentially, a project without a name doesn’t quite exist.

Naming your projects is a creative task: you can choose any name you want; there are no constraints.

Choosing a name for your projects is also difficult: the name should reflect the style and spirit of the project and be catchy and easy to remember.

Projects need to be referenced, which is why I usually use code names. However, it’s important to find a real name as soon as possible, or else you might become attached to the code name. Although this is a convenient solution, with a bit more thought, you can often come up with something much better.

For our AdventureJam project, we started with the code name The Daily Routine, but eventually named the game Routine. In this case, I think we were fortunate to find a fitting name early in the project.

The game we’re working on is a text adventure that also serves as a reflection on the pros and cons of our daily routines.

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