Node.js Knockout - FBSE: Facebook Stock Exchange
Yesterday marked the end of Node.js Kockout.
Two days - and nights - of coding with Francesco, Luca, Matteo and Nicola. Luca came to Treviso from Viterbo to attend the programming competition.
The project we created is called FBSE and it’s a stock exchange simulation game.
The main idea is to trade social stocks tha gain and lose value according to people social interactions.
We worked hard to set it up and running, but we didn’t succeed. The project was a bit too ambitious compared to our little knowledge of node.js.
We used express.js as web framework, mongoose ORM, everyauth and mongoose-auth to handle authentication, and redis to store trading data.
Stock prices and price variations are updated in realtime using the Facebook realtime API and
Thanks Giorgia for supporting us and for cooking pasta fredda, Massimo for the prototype idea, Guglielmo for the logo design.